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Runner Mistakes you SHOULD NOT be making


Throughout recent years, there has been a surge in individuals wanting to change their life and live healthier and happier lifestyles. In 2021 for example, a national governmental annual survey found out that between November 2019 – 2020, approximately 7 million people went running two or more times. However, if not planned appropriately, there are several drawbacks that could be encountered throughout your running journey. Here are our top 5 pitfalls to avoid making this year and beyond.

Not allowing enough time for your goal to be achieved

You may have heard of SMART goals, whereby a target you are aiming for should be specific, measurable, realistic, and time-bound. The latter we feel is super key when looking to achieve a specific running goal.

When there is too short a time frame, an individual may experience feelings of self-doubt, pressure, and/or anxiety, which may ultimately lead to cramming of significant training volume, increased likelihood of injuries, or premature departure from their training programme. The above can largely be reduced by allowing an appropriate time to achieve your current training goal.

By signing up to P3RFORM, you will get access to a whole multi-disciplinary team, meaning you will develop goals with your coach that meet the SMART specification. Daily access to your coach will keep you accountable to your goals, meaning no more quitting when things take a turn!

Overlooking strength training

Many runners seem to behold the belief that strength training has little or no benefit to running performance, and that it may instead cause negative physiological effects such as ‘bulking up’, impeding their running capacity. However, various studies have in fact shown that the benefits of strength training are extensive, and include improvements in speed, strength, running economy, and reduced injury risk. Have a look at our P3RFORM success stories, to see how one of our coaches can help you.

Doing slow runs too fast

We get it, wanting to run faster but having to slow down seems a little odd, and doesn’t come naturally to a lot of people. However, undertaking high-speed runs on a consistent basis, without sufficient rest and recovery can lead to a cascade of issues. Did you know that world-leading runners only complete on average 20% of their runs above the ventilatory threshold, where they can no longer hold a conversation?

Ignoring bone health

Although an increase in bone health is majorly attributed to adequate nutritional intake (e.g., sufficient energy, protein, vitamin D, and calcium), incorporating as little as 2 strength training sessions into your usual regime can also majorly help offset the aging process, and a decrease in bone mineral density.

Overemphasis on stretching & foam rolling, rather than strength through range

This is not to say that stretching and foam rolling do not have a place in a runner's individual training regime and have been found to increase the range of motion and enhance recovery in the short term. However, a better approach may be to instead incorporate a strength and conditioning programme which focuses on improving strength through range, shown to be beneficial in the reduction of injury and enhancing running performance. Unsure of how to implement this across your week? Speak to one of our coaches today.


Have you struggled in the past with sticking to a routine and reaching your running goals? Book your free consultation today and become the best version of yourself.

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